Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Information Collection - 3 | Darwinism and Dasavatara

Phase One

While researching, I came across a very interesting research and connection of Darwinism and the Dasavatar. I am thinking of including this aspect to reflect in my project.

Life originated in water in unicellular form to start with. This was followed by aquatic life forms, and subsequently Amphibians(i.e. creatures who could live equally well in water as well as on land) came into existence. Homo sapiens evolved during a very later stage of evolution. Scientists have postulated various theories about this evolution. Darwin, Wallace & others postulated various theories on this subject.
British geneticist and evolutionary biologist, J B S Haldane, observed that the Dasavataras are a true sequential depiction of the great unfolding of evolution. The first few avatars of Vishnu show an uncanny similarity to the biological theory of evolution of life on earth.

Matsya.First avatar is a fish, one which is creature living in water.Initial forms of life were aquatic during Cambrian period.
KurmaSecond avatar was in the form of Tortoise (reptiles).Aquatic life evolved into Amphibians of which reptiles are a representative.
VarahaThird avatar was in the form of Boar.Evolution of the amphibian to land dwelling animals.
NarasimhaThe Man-Lion (Nara=man, Sinha=lion) was the fourth avatar.This avatar is compared to primitive uncivilised human forms by believers in Dasavathara - Evolution theory.
VamanaFifth Avatar is the dwarf man.It may be related with the first man originated during Pliocene.
Parashurama,The man with an axe was the sixth avatar.Evolution of humans during Quaternary period to weapon wielding Iron Age.

Source wikipedia

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